Minggu, 12 Februari 2023

Merasa sendiri

 Hai... Udah hampir 7 tahun gak ketemu ya my blog. Sekarang aku nulis lagi.. Hhi. Blog ini emang ditulis kalo lagi galau ya... Iya.. Biar gak banyak orang tau kegalauan aku. Kalo post di sosmed mah.. Pasti banyak yg tau...

Pernikahan yang bahagia udah aku jalani.. Suami yang hampir sempurna aku dapatkan, namun lagi lagi.. Setiap masa ada aja masalahnya. Ku kira tahun ke tujuh pernikahan aku udah bawa anak seumuran TK.. Udah nganter anak ke tk.. Milih sekolah yang bagus, antar jemput anak.. Seru ya. 

Ternyata gaes.. Kita masih berdua aja.. Masih jalan jalan.. Makan.. Nonton drama dan film bareng.. Masih ngerasa pacaran tapi satu rumah.. Haha. I  am happy... 

Sometimes aku ngerasa... Aku mau punya anak karena liat orang atau emang aku beneran pengen. Jangan jangan pengen nya cuma sebentar doang. Makanya Allah gak kasih... 

Atau.. Memang karena malu ditanya orang, diliat orang☺😕.  Jujur semenjak belum punya anak.. Aku maleeeeeeeeess banget kumpul sama banyak orang apalagi keluarga.. Luar biasa berat sekali. Pengen ngilang.. Pengen buat alasan biar aku gak perlu datang. Pengen berdua aja.. Cukup. 

Sensi nya jangan ditanya... Temen yg posting anak dan hamil aku skip.. Aku hide. Gak kuat aku gaes. Iri apa yah aku.. Atau jahat ya hatiku... Maafkan aku ya Allah.. Asal jangan bebruat jahat kali gpp yah... 

Dan aku nulis ini pas lagi arisan rame loh.. Dan aku duduk di sudut sendiri.. Ngobrol seperlunya, senyum dikit dan aku mau ngilang.. Beneran mau ngilang ya Allah. 

Aku jadi orang berbeda beberapa tahun terkahir.. Aku terlalu  nyaman berdua, berat sekali memulai pertemanan yg baru, bertemu orang baru, berkenalan dengan rumah baru.

Do'ain ya..semoga aku makin happy ada ataupun belum ada anak. InsyaAllah aku meyakini Allah tu memberikan yg terbaik untuk aku dan suami. Kalo org bilang..nanti kamu gak ada yg do'ain kalo udah meninggal..aku yakin Allah kasih kesempatan buat kami didoain sama yang lain.. Gpp..InsyaAllah aku ikhlas dan terus belajar. Semangat. 

Entah ini pasrah atau putus asa... Semoga bukan yang kedua ya 😊

Rabu, 02 November 2016

Principal Leadership Styles in Indonesia

Principal Leadership Styles in Indonesia
Nur Annisa Mei Rizki (06012681519039)

            Leadership cannot be separated with human life. In a small scale,even a man is a leader for himself. In social life, a leader is needed in every aspect, from a family, a company, a regency, province and a country . A leader has a responsibility to serve their followers and ask the followers to reach their goals together. The term leadership put forward by experts, leadership is a person's ability and readiness to influence, guide, direct, and or move others to get them to work in order to achieve a common goal. Leadership is the ability to influence other people so willing to commit an act voluntarily to achieve certain goals. A good leader is able to lead himself before being able to lead others. Leadership is a close relationship between a person and a group of people because of their common interest.
            Nawawi (1993)  stated that leadership is a process of directing, guiding, influencing or controlling mind, feelings or actions and behavior of others. Of the several views of leadership above, it can be the common thread that leadership is a social influence in this case intentional behavior is run by a person against another person for structuring activities and relationships within a group / organization or educational institution. In educational institution, included school, principal plays an important role to achieve school’s goals. A principal can be called as the motor to improve the quality of a school. The principal is a responsible leader in the educational unit level, as well as the reciprocation of the school led. So its presence is required to have a variety of abilities, both with regard to management and leadership issues. It is intended that a principal may develop and promote the school in an effective, efficient, independent, productive and accountable. That condition requires academics to carry out various tasks according to their role and function.
            To run the managerial duties, as well as responding to the demands of today's changing, the principal must have strong leadership that is able to carry out various programs that have been agreed upon as well as their vision and mission. It is given that the principal does not only have a responsibility to the teachers, staff and students, but also must establish a relationship with the community at large. Implementation of these responsibilities, requires principals to have the ability and leadership skills to be prepared since the nomination of the principal.
            Preparing for school principals is intended that the principal will have proficient skills education leaders in developing the institution as well. Therefore, principals need to be equipped with the insights about effective leadership, as will be explained in this paper, namely, the importance of school leadership, indicators of effective school leadership, the type of school leadership and school leadership ethics.
Principal Leadership Style
            There is no perfect person in the worls, principal is too. The best principal style  in a school can be the different with other school. In this essay, the writer focus to explain three main principal leadership style that are commonly used by most of the principal in Indonesia.
  1. Transformational Leadership style
Transformational leadership was firstly found by Burns (1978) , he is the first researcher who formulated this leadership style. He stated that transformational leadership style focus to motivate the follower or employee to reach the goal together. As stated by him, “Such leadership occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality” (p.20). There are some researchers who stated that transformational leadership style is effective to be applied in the school organization. Leithwood et.al (1999) stated that transformational leadership is the best way to restructuring school. Verona and Young (2001) also said that transformational leadership style is effective and suitable for organizational and social context such as school. These researches have done the research about the relationship between transformational leadership style and the result of the students’exam, The result shows that the principal need to increase the degree of the transfomational leadership style in order to increase students’score in exam.
Leithwood (1994) confirms that many school leaders possess the characteristics of a transformational leader. Scope (2006) conducted a study that examined the leadership styles of middle school principals at successful schools and school culture. The researcher determined that there were 77 schools in the state of Indiana that were considered to be successful, which was based on meeting or exceeding the state average score on the Indiana state standardized test. Thirty-six principals participated in the study, and the results suggested that a significant relationship existed between the variables. Also, the findings indicated that effective leadership is related to the transformational leadership style and school culture.
  1. Transactional Leadership Style
Transactional leadership style is different with the transformational leadership style. If Transformational leadership focus on motivate the followers,  transactioal focus on reward and punishment for the follower in order to reach the organizational goal. Burns (1978) stated that transactional leadership use an agreement to the follower as the motivation to work. It focus on the contractual task that mostly followed by the follower who wants to get higher level in organization.
According to Barling, Slater, and Kelloway (2000), transactional leaders are able to motivate their followers by choosing rewards and incentives that will be the most desirable to them. s Bass (1999) states, “Whereas transformational leaders uplift the morale, motivation, and morals of their followers, transactional leaders cater to their followers’ immediate self-interests. The transformational leader emphasized what you can do for your country – the transactional leader, what your country can do for you” (p. 9)
If a principal uses transactional leadership style, it means that he/she will give reward or punishment to the all of academics in a school, such as teacher, staff, students, even a security. It’s commonly used if transformational leadership style is not effective anymore. The follower sometime need a “shock therapy” if they don’t do their job or break the rules. A teacher who always late when come to school is need to be punished as the concequency and a teacher who always come on time, do their job well and has achievement need to be awarded to motivate him/herand also motivate the other students. Students are also needed to be punished when they do wrong and they must be awarded when the have an achievement even if it is a simple thing.
  1. Laissez-faire Leadership Style
Bass (1985) stated that Laissez faire Leadership is one of the weak leadership style. The laissez faire leader tends to ignore and avoid an intervention when it is needed. The leader with this style is commonly not responsible with their job, they tends to not inspire and motivate the follower to reach their goal. Bass (1998) describes President Ronald  Reagan as an example of a laissez-faire leader. As opposed to closely monitoring his  employees, he gave them the freedom to make their own decisions. As a result, there  were a multitude of scandals that were revealed during and after his term in office. This  could possibly have been avoided if he had utilized a different leadership style.
However, even most of researcher said that this leadership style is weak and ineeffective, there are some researchers that believe this leadership style can be beneficial in some cases. Barnett, Marsh, and Craven (2005) stated that Laissez faire leadership style  can be important to be applied in some situation.
Even laizzes faire leadership style can be effectife, but as the principal in a school,it is better for the principal to avoid this leadership style to decrease some mistakes in doing their job. Motivation from the principal will be so important to build the spirit of the followers.
Based on the three principal leadership styles that the writer explained before, it can be concluded that there is no perfect  leadership style that is appropriate for the principal. In every school, there will be different situation and it needs different style to lead it. Indonesian goverment should facilitate teachers to have training before they are chosen to be a principal. It is very important to guide the principal to have knowledge and vision in doing their job and responsibility.


Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations.New York: Free
Bass, B. M. (1998). Transformational leadership: Industry, military, and educational
            impact. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership.NY: Harper & Row
Leithwood, K. A. (1992). The move toward transformational leadership. Educational
            Leadership, 49(5), 8-12.
Martin, Shawn T erese, "Relationship Between the Leadership Styles of Principals and      School Culture" (2009). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. Paper 269
Nawawi, Hadari. (1993). Kepemimpinan Menurut Islam. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University      Press   
Scope, P. S. (2006). Relationship between leadership styles of middle school principals
            and school culture  (Doctoral Dissertation, Purdue University, 2006).

Selasa, 01 November 2016

My new life has begun ^____^

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongggggg time no seeeeeeeeeeeee my bloggggggggggggg
It has been 3 years since I haven't written anything in this blog!!
And I am so happy happy happy for my new life,,, Alhamdulillah I have got married with a sholeh,,handsome, kind hearted, lovely,, husband. So proud to be his wife and so happy to have him. Thank you so much for choosing me love :*
And My life has changed too, and I began to be a good wife,, and still trying,, cuz I know haven't been a real good wife for him,, sorry honey :D

We got married on July,30th  2016. It means that it has been 3 months to be Mrs.Akbar,, hhehe
Being a wife become so fun because of you my hubby. I haven't been being so diligent like this before,, especially for cooking. You are the first man who taste my cooking,,,hhihi. And you know what? everything tatstes good,,, hhihi. Alhamdulillah I have a husband who never complain about the food,,:D

yeee,,, I'm writing while writing for the report of my students... so I have to finish it now,,,see u again my blog :D

Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Review asal2an Novel Negeri Para Bedebah dan Negeri di Ujung Tanduk,, :D

Mau cerita dikit tentang dua novel tere liye yang emang belom best seller ..tp menurut aku ceritanya best bangett.
Dwilogi...yg pertama Negeri Para Bedebah dan yg kedua Negeri Di Ujung Tanduk. Novel yg beda dr karya tere liye sebelumnya..
Ceritanya "berani" gak ada scene romantis2 ala novel gituh. Isinya padet banget...penuh ilmu..action dan konflik2 tak terduga.
Kita bakal dibawa mengikuti perjalanan 48 jam si Thomas dalam merubah hidupnya dan negara..bakal merasa nonton film hollywood!!
Karakter Thomas yang maskulin dan keren,,,dia eksekutif muda yang jago adu jotos. Masih jomblo dan yang pasti (kalo didunian nyata) pasti Cool banget dah,,hehe
Ceritanya..hampir persis tentang bobroknya sistem politik,Ekonomi dan hukum negara kita..Indonesia. bikin gemess..bin sebell
Di novel ini,,si Thomas tau persis semua seluk beluk sistem negara yang ancur berantakan gara2 duit dan kekuasaan...mulai dari kepolisisan, jaksa, politikus, sampe ke anak2 buahnya.
Si thomas yg idealis tp tetep cinta keluarga..dan negara pastinya. Kalo aku bayangin..nih dia pasti mirip2 rio dewanto..chinese2 cakep gituh
Novelnya kasih kejutan yg meledak ledak...gak disangka...ide brilian..bikin kita gak bisa mikir ini si thomas bakal ngapain lagi..hihi. Bisa bayangin aja,,adegan lima menit bisa di ilustrasikan ke satu lembar novel,,keren yah??
Pokoknya baca deh bagi pembaca yang suka novel yg serius..yg gak cinta2an..mendayu dayu bin bikin mewek. Hehe...
Kita beneran bakal dapet ilmu dari novel ini..plus bikin kita "nyadar" kalo negri kita banyak bedebahnya... hoho
Walau sebenernya bakal lebih seru kalo ada cerita2 romantisnya dikit..hihi
Berharap banget novel2 yg ini dijadiin pilem..pasti bakal sekeren pilem holywud deeehh. Ada tonjok2an..adegan lucu plus romantisnya dikit..

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Penasaran sama yang saya penasarin ? :p

Hm..memulai tulisan di awal tahun 2014 dengan rasa penasaran. Eh,,btw,,kalian pernah penasaran gak sih sama seseorang gitu,,yang udah lama gak ketemu,,trus pengen tau kabarnya? kalo iya,,paling gak usah susah2 ya,,kalian cari aja namanya,,bisa dengan mudah dapet akun facebook, twitter ato apalah di google kan yah?? Jaman modern gini mah,,gak usah susah lagi nyari orang yg bahkan udah seratus taun gak ketemu (lebei yah,,hihi) 
Tapi,,percaya apa gak nih...Ternyata..ada seseorang di dunia ini..di kehidupanku..yang aku tak tau sama sekali kabarnya sekarang. Di dunia modern..dengan sistem sosial media yang canggih..yang udah aku bilang tadi,,facebook , twitter, google+, path, apalagi deh semua jejaring sosial yang ada di dunia ampe akun pencarian jodoh juga ada!!hehehe
Aku sama sekali tak bisa menemukannya. Ada? Ya ada.... yakin dia masih hidup?kayaknya aku yakin deh,,hihi. Terpisah selama lebih dari 12 tahun (kayak pilem2 yak..hihi)..dan sekarang aku masih sama sekali tak tau dimana..bahkan sekedar tau fotonya sekarang!! Yang aku ingat cuma nama lengkapnya..cuma itu. Suer dah..aku penasaran!!
Yang aku tau..sekitar 12 atw 13 tahun yg lalu..ia pindah ke palembang. Apa skrg masih d palembang atau dimana..wallahualam. Aku jadi tambah penasaran pas iseng2 aku cari namanya di google..
Jika kita ketik nama seseorang d google..maka bisa ratusan data yg bisa kita akses ttg nama trsbt..biasanya. kecuali jika ia sgt tertutup. Aku jadi mikir,,ni orang kudet apa tinggal di ana gitu yak,,,gak kenal facebook yg populer banget gituh,,ato apa kek,,namanya nyangkut di web mana kek,,gak ada!!!
Dan ni orang...saya cuma bisa nyengir liat gak ada satupun nama dia yg muncul! Dia ini masih "ada" kan yah??
Btw . Saya gak seserius itu kok nyarinya..sbnrnya cuma iseng..cuma jd penasaran gara2 gak dapet satu info pun ttg ini orang..hoho

Kalian penasaran sama yang saya penasarin,,eitt,,tentu ini rahasia,,hihi. Btw,,he made me cried when he left at that time,,,

Berharap banget gitu,,ntar bisa ketemu. Yah,,,bisa kebetulan pas lagi beli nasi di warung,,ato pas lagi nunggu bis di halete ( eh,,jd kayak pilem korea yak :D ) yah,,dimana aja deh, asal jangan di hatiku #eaa #apadeh #becanda hihiwwwww

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Baiknya..Allah saja yang tau

Kau tau? Puncak dari cinta sejati adalah memberi tanpa pamrih,,kau doakan ia dalam diam, kau cintai ia sangat dalam..tp kau harap Allah saja
Tak ada yang melebihi harapmu kecuali pada Allah saja, kau gantungkan ikhtiar dan do'a untuk ridha' Allah semata.. Hatimu lapang..
Dan itulah sebaik-baiknya cinta.. Karena Allah saja. Smoga kita mendapatkan yang baik dengan cara yang baik... Aamiin
Dan..apa kau tau? aku masih saja mencintaimu seperti biasa..tak ada yang berubah,,sedikitpun.
Mencintaimu adalah asa-asa yang terwujud dalam do'a2 panjangku..
Apa kau tau? kuharap doaku juga ada di aliran darahmu..udara yang kau hirup..cahaya yang kau lihat.
Tapi apa kau juga tau? aku tak akan mencintaimu dengan cara yang sama
dan kini aku sungguh berbeda...
Kau tau?
Sejatinya sang pencinta berharap balasan cinta dari pujaan hatinya?
kini tak lagi buatku...
do'aku adalah nafas2 cinta untukmu,,,cukuplah itu
Allah saja yang menentukan jalan akhirnya...aku pasrah saja
Tak akan kuminta balas...aku tulus..aku ikhlas
jikapun akhirnya bukanlah denganmu..maka semoga pahala saja yang kuharap
Baiknya..Allah saja yang tau.

Jumat, 01 November 2013

Pahami :)

kau tau? pemahaman baik tentu tak akan didapat secepat angin berhembus,,apalagi secepat kilat..
pemahaman yang baik akan datang saat kita mau..dan berusaha bergerak,,tak berhenti di tempat itu2 saja..
dan apa kau tau? pemahaman yang baik..tentu hanya untuk orang2 yang bersabar...
yang menikmati semua proses yang kadang menyakitkan,,yang mungkin terasa amat menyesakkan..tapi yakinlah..
Pemahaman yang baik akan membuat kau tenang bukan kepalang,,bahagia yang tak terkira. Yakinlah :)
Kesedihan akan berlalu,,seiring berjalannya waktu. Jika sedang bersedih,tentu kau boleh saja menangis..tapi sungguh tak guna jika kau hanya menangis meratapi semua yang sudah terjadi..
Niatkanlah memperbaiki diri..nikmatilah semua tahap2 yang memang mungkin menyakitkan..
Pahamilah jika tak ada yang berjalan tanpa campur tangan Allah..
keyakinan sajalah yang bisa membuat kita tenang..
Semoga Allah merahmati aku, kau dan kita semua :)