Rabu, 11 April 2012

LESSON PLAN Expressing Opinion SMA (RPP Expressing Opinion)


School’s name          :  SMAN 4 LAHAT
Subject                      :  ENGLISH
Class/Semester          :  XI / 1
Time Allocation        :  2 x 45 minutes

1.      Basic Competence    :     
·         Responding the meaning in formal and informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (to socialize) conversation accurately and fluently in daily life context using variations of speech:  expressing surprise, expressing warning, asking and offering advice, expressing permission, expressing relief, pain, pleasure/pleased, expressing opinions, agreement, disagreement, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction

·         Expressing the meaning in formal and informal transactional and interpersonal (to socialize) conversation accurately and fluently using simple variation of speech: expressing surprise, expressing warning, asking and offering advice, expressing permission, expressing relief, pain, pleasure/pleased, expressing opinions, agreement, disagreement, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction

2.      Indicator
·        Responding correctly toward:  expressing surprise, expressing warning, asking and offering advice, expressing permission, expressing relief, pain, pleasure/pleased, expressing opinions, agreement, disagreement, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction
·        Practicing interpersonal and transactional conversation using variation of speech:expressing surprise, expressing warning, asking and offering advice, expressing permission, expressing relief, pain, pleasure/pleased, expressing opinions, agreement, disagreement, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction

3.      Learning Objective
·         After listening the expression students can respond it correctly.
·         After practicing the expression students can use pronounce correctly

Learning Material      : Expressing Opinion
         In my opinion
         I disagree
         I personally feel...

Learning activities      :
a.       Method         :  Discussion
b.      Instruments   :  Cassette / CD, tape, CD player, Look Ahead XI
c.       The steps of Learning Activities
-. Pre

o   To explain the main of  material
o   To explain learning objective
o   Motivation

-. Whilst

  • Listening expression from the tape
  • to discuss the expressions which is listened from the tape
  • Pronouncing expressions 
  • Using expression which suitable
  • Work in pairs make the dialogue .
  • Practicing  dialogue in front of the class


-. Post

  • To give explanation from  the teacher  
  • The student get feedback from the teacher
  • The teacher and student conclude the lesson that day.


d.      Sources:  Cassette, Look Ahead XI semester 1
e.       Evaluations: Aspect: Knowledge and ability

·         Task
·         KKM: 78
·         Evaluation Rubric:

Evaluation aspects
The number of evaluation

Note :            81-100    = Excellent
65-80            = Good
50-64      = Enough

Principal of SMAN 4 Lahat                                                       Lahat, July 2011

Drs. Syahfiral Syamsuar                                                                      Nilawati, S.Pd
NIP.1967082119920301004                                                   NIP.196306121987032009

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