Learning Enforcement Planning
SMP : Negeri 1 Palembang
Subject : English
Class/smst : VII/1
Competence standard : 10.Exspressing functional significance in oral texts and a short monologue very simple form of transactional and interpersonal to interact with the environment nearby.
Basic competence : To respond the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction and introducing someone to the others with the nearest environment.
Give expression the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment.
Indicators : At the end of the lesson students can:
1. Respond introducing someone to the others
1. Respond introducing someone to the others
2. Introducing someone to the others orally
Type of text : Transactional/interpersonal
Aspect : listening/speaking
Time allocation : 2x40 minutes (1 session)
1. Learning objectives:
1. Respond introducing someone to the others
2. Introducing someone to the others orally
2. Learning Material
Ana : Hai Fery….
Fery : Hai Ana..how are you??
Ana : I am fine. Nice to meet you
Fery : Nice to meet you too..by the way who is she?
Ana : Ow,,let me introduce my friend to you. She is Dina, my close friend. Dina, he is Fery, my cousin.
Dina : Nice to meet you Fery
Fery : Nice to meet you too Dina/.
3. Learning methods/technique: games, presentation, role play
4. Steps of activities
First Meeting
Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.: are you all?
Who is missing today?
What’s wrong with…?
At the last meeting we have studied…
Review the last meeting and check the homework
Main activities
1. Teacher asks the student about introducing people to the others.
2. Teacher explains about introducing someone to the others.
3. Students watch the video about introducing someone to the others.
4. Teacher gives the games about introducing someone to the others.
5. Student are asked to answer the question based on the power point
6. Students make a dialogue about introducing someone to the others and perform it in front of the class.
Closing activities.
1. Ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
2. Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied.
3. Ask the students to make a dialogue about introducing someone to the others as homework based on theme they have been choose.
5. Learning Resources
a. Let’s talk (text book) for VII grade by: Pakaraya Pustaka, Jakarta.
b. Power point.
c. video from youtube
6. Assessment
a. Responding the instruction command orally and action.
b. Form: oral and written test.
c. Instrument:
1. Please fill the blank ..
A: Have you two met each other?
B: No, we haven't.
A: Ben, this is Carol. Carol this is Ben. (B dan C saling berjabatan tangan.)
C: Nice to meet you too, Ben.
B: No, we haven't.
A: Ben, this is Carol. Carol this is Ben. (B dan C saling berjabatan tangan.)
C: Nice to meet you too, Ben.
1. You and your mother meet your friend at mall. You want to introduce your mother to your friend. Please make a dialogue about it!!
Assessment Guide
Section A: correct answer gets 10 score.
Responding to the text
No | Criterion | Score |
1 | Wrong respond | 5 |
2 | Good respond | 15 |
3 | Total | 20 |
. The maximum score:
Fluency = 20
Pronunciation = 20
Acuracy = 20
Content = 20
Expression = 20
= 100
Palembang, November 2010
Acknowledged by
Head master of SMPN1 Plg Subject Teacher
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