Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Kenapa saya mau pake' Jilbab????

*Jilbab itu kewajiban,,,jelas sudah di surah AnNur:31 dan Al Ahzab 59....udah,,nggak ragu lagi lah...sudah jelas perintah Allah buat muslimah
*Jilbab itu cantik,,ya saya merasa wanita berjilbab itu jauuuuuuuuuuh lebih cantik,,,,bukan hanya fisik tentunya,,karena pasti yg pake baju "seksi" jelas lebih terlihat cantiknya.....cantik wanita berjilbab "beda".
*Jilbab itu merdeka..karena dengan jilbab saya terbebas dari pandangan orang yang hanay melihat saya dari segi fisik,,,diukur dari seberapa langsingkah saya atau besar kecilnya betis say…ha????saya merasa nyaman begini,,,,
*Jilbab itu mengontrol saya untuk memilih siapa yang berhak melihatnya. Mengutip kata2 mbak Helvy “Bg seorg gadis, dgn mengenakan #jilbab pd dasarya ia sdh melakukan proses seleksi thdp calon suaminya kelak :).”
*Jilbab itu kebanggaan,,,ya,,,dengan jilbab saya merasa bangga dengan identitas kemuslimahan saya,,,jelaslah saya menjadi seorang muslimah,,,
*Jilbab itu nyaman...tentu,,saya tak perlu benerin baju saya kalau lagi naik kendaraan umum,,,,tarik sana,,tarik sini,,tutup sana tutup sana ,,tutup sini....lebih lapang,,dan sangat nyaman...
*Jilbab itu menenangkan,,ya,,,saya gak perlu takut dengan pandangan "liar"laki-laki....bukan,,,,bukan menjudge laki2,,,tak semua begitu,,namun saya merasa lebih tenang,,karena merasa tak ada yang memperhatikan kita kalau lagi di tempat umum,,yah,,,apa juga yang mau diliat,,,????ya gak???
*Jilbab itu menjaga,,,ya tentulah,,,,karena aurat kita terjaga ya sis,,,,,hanya buat yang halal melihatnya,,,,buat yg muhrimnya ,,,apalagi buat suami dan calon suami kita nanti,,jadi pandai2 menjaganya ya sis,,,,,,,,^^.
*Jilbab itu perhiasan,,,yalah,,,,saya pernah ingat waktu SMA,,,ada salah seorang senior saya bilang,,,,”coba deh,,kamu ke pasar,,,liat pakaian tu bagus2,,,cantik2,,,,tapi gak di bungkus,,,bisa dicoba2 dulu,,kalo gak cocok,,ya gak jadi,,,,udah dipegang2 banyak orang,,,yah,,lecek deh jadinya,,,,nah harga baju gituan kan pasti lebih murah dibandingkan dengan baju di butik,,,cantik2,,,,masih dalem lemari tuh,,,masih aman,,belum ada yg coba,,kalo harganya dah pas,,baru deh bs dicoba n dibawak pulang,,dan harganya selangit lhoooo”..trus beliau bilang,,” itulah perumpamaan wanita berjilbab yang menjaga dirinya dan yg nggak,,,,sekarang mau pilih yg mana????hayoooooo……………….”
*Jilbab itu pembeda sis,,,,ya dung,,,kalo kita pake jilbab udah pasti dong kita muslimah,,,nah kalo nggak,,mana tau orang agama kita apa???so jilbab asik dong!!!
*Jilbab iu penjaga….ya,,dengan mengenakan jilbab tentu saya merasa mesti harus menjaga diri,,menjaga tingkah laku,,menjaga perkataan,,dan pandangan…tentu itu semua demi kebaikan kita sendiri. 
*Jilbab itu pahala…hmm,,entulah ini adalah sebuah pahala,,karena wajibnya jilbab bagi muslimah sama dengan wajibnya shalat,,so,,kalau kita sholat berpahala,,tentu bejilbab pun berpahala…
*Jilbab itu juga dakwah…kalau kita mengenakan jilbab, itu adalah salah satu bagian dari mensyiarkan islam,,tanpa sadar pun kita telah berpahala lagi…^^
*Jilbab itu tidak pernah menghalangi kita untuk berkiprah dan berkarier karena Islam tak pernah menghalangi itu,,so saya yakin dengan berjilbab maka insyaAllah kaier pun cemerlang

Pesan saya,,,terinspirasi dari kata2 Helvy Tiana Rosa…
Hanya Allah yg berhak menilai mana yg lbh baik d antara kt. Jgn terlalu bangga dgn #jilbab tp jg jgn mcibir kalau blm mengenakannya :)

#jilbab bs menjadi terlihat buruk bila akhlak kita jelek. Hati2 jgn merusak citra muslimah dgn jilbab yg kt kenakan ya :)

Kalau blm bs ber #jilbab, tdk usah katakan: "kalau aku yg penting hati dulu dijilbabin". Tdk ada pemisahan hati dan kepala kok :

Pernyataan itu menyinggung sdr2 kt yg ber #jilbab. Mrk jg bkn kalangan yg sdh suci. Kita semua berproses. Allah yg Maha Tahu :)

Sbg bagian dr umat yg bsr ini, masalah #jilbab bkn mslh yg hrs dbesar2kn. Pakai dgn kesadaran. Jgn mengejek mrk yg blm. Rangkul :)
Saya hanya berdoa,,semoga saya dan teman2 lain yang telah memutuskan untuk menutup auratnya tetap istiqomah ,,,,jangan pernah lupa pula mendoakan teman2 yang belum,,,semoga hidayah kan segera datang,,,karena yakinlah,,,hati mereka telah berniat..^^

Maaf bila banyak kesalahan…semoga bermanfaat.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Kumpulan Kultwit Salim A. Fillah tentang Sakit

  1. #Sakit adalah bagian dari musibah yang telah Allah ukur kadarnya untuk dihadiahkan pada hamba-hamba terpilih yang mampu menanggungnya.
  2. #Sakit, sebagaimana tiap ujian, tidaklah menguji kemampuan sebab telah diukur tepat sesuai daya tahan. Ia menguji kemauan memberi makna.
  3. Maka dia nan mampu memberi makna terbaik bagi #Sakit, kemuliaannya akan diangkat untuk membuat malaikat yang selalu sehat itu tertakjub.
  4. Bersyukurlah Salim diajari Mas @_pepeng yang pernah memaknai #Sakit & musibahnya: “Tugas kita meng-HADAP-i, biar Allah yang meng-ATAS-i!”
  5. #Sakit adalah jalan kenabian Ayyub yang menyejarah. Kesabarannya diabadikan jadi teladan semesta. Hari-hari ini kita bercermin padanya.
  6. #Sakit orang mulia bersebabkan kemuliaan; Asy Syafi’i wasir sebab banyak duduk menelaah ilmu, Malik lumpuh tangannya dizhalimi penguasa.
  7. Nabi kitapun #Sakit oleh racun paha kambing di Khaibar yang menyelusup di gigit pertama melalui celah gigi yang patah dalam perang Uhud.
  8. Tetapi bahkan mereka yang penyebab #Sakit-nya tak semenakjubkan para luhur itu, tetap punya peluang mulia dengan memaknai rasa sakitnya.
  9. #Sakit itu dzikruLlah. Mereka yang menderitanya hampir pasti lebih sering & syahdu menyebut asma Allah dibanding ketika dalam sehatnya.
  10. #Sakit itu istighfar. Mereka yang sedang disapanya lebih mudah untuk teringat dosa-dosa lama, mengakuinya, & bertaubat mohon ampun.
  11. #Sakit itu Tauhid. Mereka yang parah dicengkamnya pasti dituntun orang untuk ber-kalimat thayyibat, mengesakanNya dalam lisan & rasa.
  12. #Sakit itu Muhasabah. Sebab dia yang sakit punya lebih banyak waktu untuk merenungi diri dalam sepi, menghitung-hitung bekal kembali.
  13. #Sakit itu Jihad. Sebab dia yang sakit tak boleh menyerah kalah, dia diwajibkan untuk terus berikhtiar, berjuang bagi kesembuhannya.
  14. #Sakit itu ilmu. Dalam menjalani pemeriksaan, berkonsultasi dengan dokter, dirawat, & berobat bertambahlah pengetahuan tentang tubuhnya.
  15. #Sakit itu Nasehat. Yang sakit ingatkan nan sehat tuk jaga diri. Yang sehat menghibur si penderita agar bersabar. Allah cinta keduanya.
  16. #Sakit itu silaturrahim. Yang jarang datang di saat nan bersangkutan sehat wal afiat, tiba-tiba menjenguk dengan senyum & rindu mesra.
  17. #Sakit itu perekat ukhuwah. Kawan lama nan tak bersua bertahun lamanya, tiba-tiba berjumpa di waktu membezuk seorang kolega lainnya.
  18. #Sakit itu belajar. Berbaring setengah duduk memungkinkan mencerap ilmu dengan tekun lewat buku, kata-kata terucap, maupun gambar gerak.
  19. #Sakit itu membaca, menulis, berkarya. Habiburrahman El Shirazy menggoreskan Ayat-ayat Cinta saat terbaring patah kakinya.
  20. #Sakit itu dijamin cinta Allah dalam sabarnya; sabar tetap ibadat, sabar tak bermaksiat, sabar tahan deritanya, sabar menunda capaian..
  21. #Sakit itu gugur dosa-dosa. Barang haram terselip tubuh dilarutkan di dunia, anggota badan nan mungkin berdosa dinyerikan & dicuciNya.
  22. #Sakit itu mustajab doanya. Sampai-sampai Imam As Suyuthi keliling kota mencari orang sakit lalu minta didoakan oleh mereka.
  23. #Sakit itu salah satu keadaan yang menyusahkan syaithan; diajak maksiat tak mampu-tak mau, dosa yang lalu malah disesali lalu diampuni.
  24. #Sakit itu membuat sedikit tertawa & banyak menangis; satu perilaku keinsyafan yang disukai Nabi & makhluq-makhluq langit.
  25. #Sakit itu meningkatkan kualitas ibadah; ruku’-sujud lebih khusyu’, tasbih-istighfar lebih sering, tahiyat & doa jadi lebih lama.
  26. #Sakit itu memperbaiki akhlaq; kesombongan terkikis, sifat tamak dipaksa tunduk, pribadi dibiasakan santun, lembut & tawadhu’.
  27. #Sakit itu membuat kita lebih serius mengingat & mempersiapkan kematian. Dia yang merasa dekat maut menghargai waktunya dengan baik.

RPP Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 1

Learning Enforcement Planning
SMP           : Negeri 1 Palembang
Subject       : English
Class/smst  : VII/1

Competence standard : 2 and 4
To understand the meaning of oral short simple functional text to interact in the environment
To express the meaning of simple oral short simple functional text  for doing interaction with nearest environment.
Basic competence       : 2.1, 2.2, 4.1 and 4.2
                                    To respond the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment.
                                    To respond the meaning of idea which is in oral text, simple short functional accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment.
Give expression the meaning of oral short simple transactional and interpersonal text accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment.
To respond the meaning of idea which is in oral text, simple short functional accurately, fluently, and available for doing interaction with the nearest environment.

Indicators        : Respond to and express meaning in the text of a short functional form:
1. Instructions, procedure, data items, greeting, announcement
2. Respond to and mention the list of goods.
3. Determining the communicative function of text heard
4. Finding linguistic characteristics of each functional text is heard.
5. Giving instructions orally announce something
6. Congratulate

Type of text                : Functional
Aspect                         : listening/speaking
Time allocation            : 8x40 minutes (4 sessions)

1.      Learning objectives:
First Meeting
At the end of the lesson students can;
1. Respond the instruction orally.
2. Giving instructions orally.
3. Finding the explicit details of functional text short on verbal instructions relating to activities in school.
4. Make a short instruction text

Second Meeting
At the end of the lesson students can
1.      Understand the generic structure of procedure text.
2.      Differentiate between procedure text and instructional text.
3.      Make a short procedure text.

Third Meeting
1.      Understand generic structure of Announcement text.
2.      Respond the announcement text orally
3.      Make a short announcement text.

Fourth Meeting
1.      Respond to speech acts or the meaning of the ideas reflected in the
Congratulations expressed orally with respect to life in school.
2.      Make greeting card
3.      Write a greeting dialogue and write congratulation dialogue
Fifth meeting

Fifth Meeting
At the end of the lesson students can
1.      Give the correct verbal response to the meaning of speech acts in the short functional texts on the list of goods which is spoken by the teacher.
2.       Mention the list of particular items.
3.      Finding detailed information implied from short functional text on a list of items related to camp activities.

2.      Learning Material
Giving instructions

What is meant by short functional text is a short text which has a specific purpose. In the discussion is short functional text that aims to provide instruction to others. The meaning of speech acts in question, the hearer understands what is desired by the speaker. In this case students are expected to understand that the teacher or other person to give instructions, not ask questions or provide information, so that the desired response of course is in accordance with instructions given when a person, not the person receiving the instruction, for example.
1. Teacher: Open the door, please!
    Ali: Yes, ma'am
2. Ani: Close your book, Lisa!
    Lisa: Okay.

Procedure Text
How to make a glass of Pop Ice
First, open the sachet of pop ice
Second, pour it into the glass
Then, add ½ glass of water
Stir it until it mixed
Next, add the ice cube into the glass
Pop ice is ready to be drunk.

2.      Shopping List
If you want to make a birthday party
You will need a shopping list like: chips, cookies, candy, cake, balloon, ribbon,etc
3.      Congratulation
a.       Congratulation!
b.      Congratulation on your success!
c.       Happy birthday!
d.      Happy Anniversary!!
4.      Announcement
All students of class seven are supposed gather in the school yard on Monday August 12th, 2006 at 07.00 am for practicing flag ceremony.

Please, be on time !                 Chairman

3.      Learning methods/technique: Demonstration, Role Play, and Discussion.
4.      Steps of activities
First Meeting
a.       Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.:           are you all?
                  Who is missing today?
                  What’s wrong with…?
                  At the last meeting we have studied…

b.      Main activities
1.      Teacher ask student to do the instruction. For example:
Open the door please!
Stand up, please!
2.      Students discuss what the teacher did.
3.      Teacher explains the meaning and function about instruction in sentence and text on Power Point.
4.      Teacher gives the example of Instruction text.
5.      Students are asked to make short dialogue in pair about instruction based on the book.
6.      Students do the task about instruction in the book.

c.       Closing activities
1.      Ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
2.      Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the expressions they have just studied.
3.      Ask the students to make short text about instruction as homework.
Second Meeting
a.                         Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.:           are you all?
                  Who is missing today?
                  What’s wrong with…?
                  At the last meeting we have studied…
Review the last meeting and check the homework

b.      Main activities
1.      Teacher demonstrate how to make a glass of Pop ice, step by step
2.      Teacher ask the student what did the teacher done
3.      Student are asked to mention the characteristic of Procedure Text
4.      Teacher explain the procedure text using power point
5.      Students are asked to answer and respond the procedure text in the task book.
6.      Students make a short procedure text.
c.       Closing activities.
1.      Ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
2.      Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied.
3.      Ask the students to make short text and practice about procedure text as homework.

Third Meeting
d.            Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.:           are you all?
                  Who is missing today?
                  What’s wrong with…?
                  At the last meeting we have studied…
Review the last meeting and check the homework

e.       Main activities
1.      Teacher shows the shopping list with Power Point
2.      Students discuss what is in the power point
3.      Teacher Explain about Shopping list and the function
4.      Teacher gives games about shopping list
5.      Students do the task in book

f.       Closing activities.
4.      Ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
5.      Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied.
6.      Ask the students to make short text about shopping list as homework.
Fourth Meeting
a.             Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.:           are you all?
                  Who is missing today?
                  What’s wrong with…?
                  At the last meeting we have studied…
Review the last meeting and check the homework
b.      Main Activities
1.      Teacher show the students Announcemet text and read it in front of the class
2.      Student read the announcement and discuss about that
3.      Teacher explain about announcement with Power Point presentation
4.      Students answer the question based on the book Let’s Talk
5.      Students make an announcement text

g.      Closing activities.
1.      ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
2.      ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied.
3.      ask the students to make short text about announcement as homework.

Fifth Meeting
a.                         Opening activities
To ask and answer various things related to the students condition
e.g.:           are you all?
                  Who is missing today?
                  What’s wrong with…?
                  At the last meeting we have studied…
Review the last meeting and check the homework
b.      Main Activities
1.      Teacher show the congratulation card to the student
2.      Students discuss about that
3.      Teacher explain what is the congratulation expression and its function
4.      Students make a dialogue in pair using congratulation expression.
5.      Students perform the dialogue in front of the class.
6.      Teacher ask the student to make greeting card and every students have different topic.
7.      Students read that greeting card in front of the class.
c.       Closing activities.
1.      Ask the students’ difficulties during the teaching and learning process.
2.      Ask the students to draw the conclusion of the material they have just studied.
3.      Ask the students to make short text about greeting card as homework.

5. Learning Resources
                 a. Let’s talk (text book) for VII grade by: Pakaraya Pustaka, Jakarta.
                 b. Power point.

            6. Assessment
                a. Responding the instruction command orally and action.
                b. Form: oral and written test.
                c. Instrument: answer reading text.

The instruction text
  How to Create A Facebook Account?
First, The first thing you do is
  Go to www.facebook.com. Click on, "Sign Up." Follow the directions to create your free facebook account.
  Enter your email address. Create a password for your new account. Be sure to choose a password that is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. Never give your password to anyone.
  Using the, "Friend Finder" and, "Invite More Friends" features, invite your friends to join you on facebook. Edit your facebook profile. Be selective about posting your personal information online.
  Enjoy and have fun!

Answer the question based on the text in Task A
  1. What is the purpose of the text?
  2. Where can you find such instruction?
  3. Who, do you think, reads the instruction?
  4. Is the instruction easy to follow? Why/why not?
  5. Can you mention any other instruction similar to this one?

Procedure Text
How to make a glass of Pop Ice
First, open the sachet of pop ice
Second, pour it into the glass
Then, add ½ glass of water
Stir it until it mixed
Next, add the ice cube into the glass
Pop ice is ready to be drunk.

Shopping List

A.    List the things you want to buy for lunch tomorrow at school. Tell your friends about it!
B.     Suppose next week is your birthday. Your Parents arrange a small party for you. Help Your mother write shopping list of the things you need!
A.    Make interpersonal dialogue based on the situation.
1.      Your sister wins the singing contest. You respond to it
2.      Your friend receives a scholarship. You respond to it.
3.      Your friend gets door prize a new car. You respond to it.
B.     Act out the dialogues you have made in task A in front of the class. Do it with your friend.

Read the text carefully and give your answers based on the text below
Flowchart: Alternate Process: Announcement

All students of SMP N 1 Palembang
are supposed to gather in the school yard on Monday October 11th, 2010 at 7 a.m. for practicing flag ceremony.

Please, be on time!

1.      What’s the text about?
  1. Who is the announcement for?
  2. What should the students of SMPN 1 Palembang do?
  3. Why do they have to be there?
  4. Who gave the announcement?
  5. What does the word “chairman” mean?
  6. What is the purpose of the chairman?
  7. Mention three nouns in the text!

Assessment Guide
Section A: correct answer gets 10 score.
Responding to the text
Wrong respond
Good respond

. The maximum score:
        Fluency             =    20
        Pronunciation   =    20
        Acuracy            =    20
        Content             =    20
        Expression        =    20
                                 =    100

Palembang,    September 2010

Acknowledged by                                                                 
Head master of SMPN1 Plg                                     Subject Teacher

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Contoh Descriptive Text for SMP

Descriptive Text
Teks 1

Borobudur is Hindu – Budhist temple. It was built in the ninth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consists of eight steps like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways. The design of Borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.
Question 1
1.      What kind of text is it?
  1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
3.      When was the Borobudur temple built?
4.      How many steps does the Borobudur temple have?
5.      The word “it” in the first paragraph line 1 refers to…
Teks 2

The Ambarawa Train Museum houses 21 antique locomotives plus two more, which are stored in the depot. These locomotives are no longer produced; even the factories that made them no longer exist. The main building of this museum is the defunct Ambarawa railway station which was built in 1873. the station covers 127,500 m2.
The oldest in this museum is a locomotive made by Hartman Chemnitz. This locomotive, with a length of 8.58 m and a width of 2.45 m, began its operation in 1891. Using wood as fuel, the steam locomotive could run 50 km/h – its maximum speed.
A special part of a visit to this museum is a trip by train from the Ambarawa Train Museum to the defunct Bedono train station. This package tour is called Railway Mountain Tour. Why is the trip so special? Because the participants will board an antique train and the train will travel on a 4.9 kilometer-cog railway, which is the only one in the world.
1.      What does the text describe?
2.      When was the museum built?
3.      What does the steam locomotive use as a fuel?
4.      What is the main building of the Ambarawa Train Museum?
5.      What is the special part at Ambarawa Train museum?

Teks 3

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta.
The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.
It was built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty, or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918. The main building was completed in around 1953. Much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least 75% of the original stones are available, and therefore only the foundation walls of most of the smaller shrines are now visible and with no plans for their reconstruction.
The temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006. Early photos suggest that although the complex appears to be structurally intact, damage is significant. Large pieces of debris, including carvings, were scattered over the ground. The temple has been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed. The head of Yogyakarta Archaeological Conservation Agency stated that: “it will take months to identify the precise damage”. However, some weeks later in 2006 the site re-opened for visitors. The immediate surroundings of the Hindu temples remain off-limits for safety reasons.

1.      What kind of text is it?
2.      Who is Rakai Pikatan?
3.      When was the Prambanan built?
4.      Why was Prambanan damaged in 2006?
5.      What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

Text 4

For people in East Java, Jatim Park may have been heard many times as it is one of the famous tourism objects in East Java province. Jatim Park offers a recreation place as well as a study center.

Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Batu, East Java. To reach the location is not too difficult because the object is only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This Jatim Park tourism object is about 22 hectares width.

Visitor can enjoy at least 36 kinds of facilities which can attract them as well as give new knowledge. Just after the pass gate, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’ area. This study offering continues to step on ‘Taman Sejarah’ area, which contains of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple, customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.

The other facility which is able to be enjoyed is ‘Agro Park’ area. It presents crop and rareness fruits, animal diorama which consists of unique animals that have been conserved, and supporting games like bowling, throw ball, scooter disco, etc

Jatim Park is suitable for family and school recreation. The recreation area sites offer precious tour and can used as alternative media of study.
1.      What is the one of the famous tourism object in East Java Province based on the text above?
2.      How far the Jatim Park from Batu City is?
3.      What is the contains in Taman Sejarah?
4.      What kind of area which contains  unique animal and supporting games?
5.      “it” in paragraph 4 line 1 refers to..