Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Rindu :)

Aku mencintaimu dalam kata,,saat diam,,tanpa makna.
cintaku tak bersuara,,sunyi tanpa nada. Itulah mengapa aku rela ia pergi saja.
kurasa cintaku tak bijaksana, ia ambil hatiku saat semua masih menunggu.
Lalu kenapa cintaku tak temukan maknanya, ia hilang saja terhapus guyuran hujan, hanyut bersama derasnya sungai.

Rindu itu mungkin hanyalah mimpi dari seorang pencinta yang tak mengerti
Rinduku ini kurasa palsu, dimana mesti kulabuhkan asaku. Jelas sudah semua kini, dosaku bertumpuk pada kata rindu. Terbanglah semua lara, pergilah semua duka, aku bahkan tak sanggup menutup mata,,tak sanggup melihat derita.
Namun,, Kemanakah rindu itu kubertanya, rindu pada belahan jiwamu? atau rindu pada seonggok debu? Jika rindumu pada cahaya, tak perlulah kau derita.

Bahwa cahaya adalah dingin yang memelukmu dari teriknya sang lahar,,,
dan kehangatannya mencairkan kebekuan sang kelam
Langit malam adalah kelam, tapi kelamnya tunjukkan bintang, walau kadang dihadang topan, biarkan biduknya tetap berjalan..

Senin, 19 November 2012

Jatuh Hati (Tere Liye)

Kita bisa jatuh hati pada orang yg terus menerus memberikan kebaikan. Sekeras apapun batu itu, tetap berlubang oleh tetes air terus menerus. Padahal apalah arti tetes air kecil dibanding batu.
Kita bisa jatuh hati pada orang yg terus menerus peduli pada kita. Sesulit apapun meruntuhkan gunung perasaan, satu persatu dicungkil badannya, pasti akan rubuh pula gunungnya.
Kita jatuh hati karena itu bukan?
Lantas, apakah kita tidak jatuh hati pada yg maha pemberi kebaikan, duhai, setiap hari hidup kita diberi oksigen utk bernafas, air minum utk melepas dahaga, kesehatan, dan tak terhitung nikmat lainnya. Lantas, apakah kita tidak jatuh hati pada yg maha terus menerus peduli, aduhai, setiap hari kita dijaga dari marabahaya, dilapangkan jalan, dijauhkan dari penghalang, dan tak terhitung kepedulian lainnya, siang malam.Tidakkah kita jatuh hati pada Tuhan kita?

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Syair Malam Minggu :D

seperti yang lalu-lalu, sikapmu seperti itu selalu, buatku malu dan tersipu. Mana mungkin aku tau rahasia hatimu?
lalu kenapa aku mesti merasa kaku, jika sesungguhnya kau bukanlah apa2nya bagiku. Lalu, kenapa aku mesti terpaku?  
sebab disana adlah bukan hak diriku, tak pantaslah diri ini menjadikanmu tujuan, sedngkan ada Allah yg lebih berhak atasku  
maka teranglah jawaban itu, setidaknya aku tau lelahku tak membawa hasil apapun, sia2 belaka. Lalu? berlalilah aku kembali ke Rabbku 
karena Allah lah yang tau rahasia hatiku, hatimu, hati kita semua. Maka Dialah sebaik-baiknya tempatku mengadu.
tak ada alasan lagi bgku untuk mengeluh, sungguh semua terjadi atas KehendakMu. Lalu apalagi yg mesti kutunggu?

Jumat, 02 November 2012

Nasihat Diri

Masa lalu adalah cerita, kenanglah semua sebagai pelajaran. Ingatlah hal2 yg membahagiakan, jangan ulangi yang buruk. Mari tatap masa depan!
tak masalah jika masa lalu kita dipenuhi kesalahan, sesali dan perbaiki. Yang salah adalah meneruskan kesalahan hingga mati tak jua berhenti 
bukankah tak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar dan memperbaiki kesalahan? meminta maaf dan memaafkan? selagi jantung msh berdetak..Allah ada
Allah yang tau isi hati setiap hambaNya, bahkan lebih tau dari diri kita sendiri. Membohongi diri sendiri? tentu itu perbuatan sia-sia 
kita tau yang benar, kita tau yg salah. Namun nafsu mengalahkan segala, ego kita kadang merusak akal. Inilah saatnya nurani bicara.
marilah sejenak kita merenung, sesekali. Sudahkah kita menjadi lebih baik? atau malah bertambah buruk?
minimal,,kita bertahan dengan kebaikan kita. Minimal, kita tak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.
minimal, kita tak mengajak yang lain berbuat tak benar. Cukup diam dan perbaiki diri

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Positif!! ^_^

Segala sesuatu itu mesti dipandang proporsional, tidak berat sebelah. Memikirkan semua dari sudut pandang berbeda, tidak egois.
tidak semua orang berpikiran sama dengan kita, tidak semua paham maksud kita. Jadi?
apakah kita harus menyampaikan pikiran dengan banyak cara? bila memungkinkan, kenapa tidak?
tapi, menyampaikan sesuatu dengan cara "general" pasti lebih baik.Kita akan membuat smua mengerti tanpa harus bersusah payah mengklarifikasi.
Dan juga semua harus dipandang positif, walau kadang kita sdh tau akhirnya tk akan menyenangkan.Susah, memang, tak mudah, tapi pasti bisa. Itu pasti!
sinyal2 positif dalam diri akan memancarkan energi tersendiri, kita akan siap dengan sgala resiko yang akn terjadi. Dan yg pasti, antisipasi
jika kita merasa sinyal positif mulai menghilang, mintalah pada sahabat2 sejati yg mau berbagi, dan yg pasti pada Yang Maha Memberi :)

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012


Ku tak suka dengan teka teki, semua misteri..
aku tak suka menebak nebak isi hati, aku benci mendamba tapi tak memiliki
Aku tak suka kau menyapa, aku lebih suka kau diam saja
aku lebih suka ku tak mengerti, biar aku tak mereka-reka apa yang terjadi
mestinya kau tak perlu ungkapkan rasamu, biar saja aku tau nanti. Mestinya kau tau waktu yg tepat
keyakinanku mulai luntur seketika kau bicara, aku harap kau tak usah bicara jika msih berangan saja,nanti saja!
aku ikut takdir Allah saja, kau tak akan bisa mengubahnya, jadi tolong berhentilah!


Minggu, 30 September 2012

Bersabar dalam Doa

Ketika doa kita belum terjawab, bersabarlah, ada jawaban dari Allah yang lebih indah menanti. Yuk bersabar ... :')
bukan berarti kita tak layak,,Allah mestilah tau standar kemampuan kita..yuk berhusnuzhan :')
ketika doa belum terjawab, mungkin itu saatnya kita koreksi niat kita. Bisa saja ada yg salah dalam niat di hati,, yuk perbaiki :)
ketika doa belum terjawab, mungkin ada yg salah dr apa yg kita kerjakan. Mungkinkah ada hal haram yg pernah kita makan? yuk koreksi :')
namun bila semua telah kita perbaiki, dan doa belum pun terjawab, itu mungkin pula sebuah ujian. yuk bersabar :')
mudah memang menasihati,,tapi sungguh diri ini sadar diri. Tak pula mudah bersabar disaat saat tertentu..
terkadang, malah kita juga mesti bersyukur ketika doa2 kita tak dikabulkan Allah. pada saatmya, kita akan tau ternyata doa kita itu salah.
Allah jawab doa kita dengan cara yang berbeda, bukan yg kita inginkan, tapi yg kita butuhkan.
Sy pernah meminta "A", sy yakin itu yg sy butuhkan. Ternyata Allah buat sy menangis krn akhirnya sy tak mendptknya. Alhasil, sy sempat drop
tak lama kemudian, sy dpt "B", sy tak puas,merasa tak didengar,nmun seiring brjalannya waktu sy mlh bersyukur dpt "B"n bersyukur tk dpt "A"
asalkan kita tak menyia-nyiakan apa yg Allah beri, mestilah tak ada yg susah. #nasihatdiri . Yuk senyum :)
Banyak yang tak bertahan karena doanya belum terjawab, saya berdoa semoga sy dikuatkan. Ya Allah, jaga kami :')
Banyak yang mundur, memilih lari karena tak yakin Allah kan beri. Ya Allah, bantu kami :')
banyak yang tak takut, hingga mereka tak hiraukanMu. Ya Allah, lindungi kami :')
dan akhirnya, tak layaklah kita membenci yg meninggalkan, menjauhi yang tak sepaham. Allah yg pegang hati kita, yuk doakan :)
toh diri ini apalah baiknya, pastilah jauh dari kesempurnaan, buruknya pun tak sedikit. Yuk saling mendoakan :)
angan pernah terbersit dlm hati ini bahwa kita telah begitu dekatnya dgn Allah,,ah,,jauh, jauuh sekali. Tak patutlah kita berbangga diri
sy pun manusia, pernah merasa begitu bangga dgn diri. Padahal sy jauh lebih buruk dr orang2 yg tak mengerti, hina, lebih hina. Naudzubillah

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Your Smile :)

ur smile gives me the strenght in my loneliness ,,,,cover my weakness #yoursmile
the rainbow can be lost but ur smile will always be there.. #yoursmile
on the crowded street,,ur smile can be seen even a thousand of people are walkin' around #yoursmile
ur smile takes me from the cloudy to the sunny days...keeps me warm and makes me calm #yoursmile
even u are far,,far away,,ur smile will always be in my mind, my heart, my soul, my dream, my ambition, my destination,,my and my #yoursmile
ur smile can cover up my sadness and my sorrow to the happiness..always and forever :) #yoursmile
ur smile brings me to the beautiful place that I haven't ever thought before :) #yoursmile
ur smile always wakes me up from my sleep :) #yoursmile
in the dark,,I can't see anythin',,,,what I can see is only ur smile #yoursmile
in the dark,,ur smile lights up my life... #yoursmile
Ur smile brings me to the top of the mountain so that I can see the beauty of the world :) #yoursmile
I don't know why exactly why I choose #yoursmile ,, just like it and write! There're so many words in my mind that I have to write!
Ur smile has colored my life, it looks like rainbow in the blue sky..Fantastic! #yoursmile
Your smile makes me thinking 'bout u ,,days and night!
Your smile has grown so many kind of flowers in my heart #yoursmile
ur smile has left a small hole in ma heart,,,but I know that it's the best place for ur smile. I'm happy to keep it #yoursmile
Ur smile makes me far away from the truth, and lets me just have a sweet dream.
sometimes ur smile makes me stop breathing,,cuz ur smile is too magnetize
when I close my eyes,,,ur smile is still visible.. it's clear and I can enjoy it :) #yoursmile
ur smile makes me feel hard to think 'bout my problems..what I can feel is only happiness cuz ur smile #yoursmile
I don't know why, ur smile has raised my confidence and hopes. That's why I need to see ur smile #yoursmile :')

Your Smile :)

ur smile gives me the strenght in my loneliness ,,,,cover my weakness #yoursmile
the rainbow can be lost but ur smile will always be there.. #yoursmile
on the crowded street,,ur smile can be seen even a thousand of people are walkin' around #yoursmile
ur smile takes me from the cloudy to the sunny days...keeps me warm and makes me calm #yoursmile
even u are far,,far away,,ur smile will always be in my mind, my heart, my soul, my dream, my ambition, my destination,,my and my #yoursmile
ur smile can cover up my sadness and my sorrow to the happiness..always and forever :) #yoursmile
ur smile brings me to the beautiful place that I haven't ever thought before :) #yoursmile
ur smile always wakes me up from my sleep :) #yoursmile
in the dark,,I can't see anythin',,,,what I can see is only ur smile #yoursmile
in the dark,,ur smile lights up my life... #yoursmile
Ur smile brings me to the top of the mountain so that I can see the beauty of the world :) #yoursmile
I don't know why exactly why I choose #yoursmile ,, just like it and write! There're so many words in my mind that I have to write!
Ur smile has colored my life, it looks like rainbow in the blue sky..Fantastic! #yoursmile
Your smile makes me thinking 'bout u ,,days and night!
Your smile has grown so many kind of flowers in my heart #yoursmile
ur smile has left a small hole in ma heart,,,but I know that it's the best place for ur smile. I'm happy to keep it #yoursmile
Ur smile makes me far away from the truth, and lets me just have a sweet dream.
sometimes ur smile makes me stop breathing,,cuz ur smile is too magnetize
when I close my eyes,,,ur smile is still visible.. it's clear and I can enjoy it :) #yoursmile
ur smile makes me feel hard to think 'bout my problems..what I can feel is only happiness cuz ur smile #yoursmile
I don't know why, ur smile has raised my confidence and hopes. That's why I need to see ur smile #yoursmile :')

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Gak jelasss

Seperti sinar bintang yg memancar
Menerangi jiwaku yg terkadang kelam
Memberi harapan akan datangnya ribuan sinar lain...
Ibarat hembusan lembut angin yang menyejukkan...
Sejukkan hati yang gusar,,,menunggu keidakpastian.
Aku hanyalah debu yang berterbangan,,,,
tak tentu arah, kotor, suram,,
yang tak pantas melekat di ruang2 penuh keindahan..

Rabu, 18 April 2012

The Kite Runner ,,,“For you, a thousand times over”

The Kite Runner,,,Children have to be Happy!!

First, i didn't really like reading a novel, especially if it was written by foreign author. I thought that the language must be so complicated, even if it has been translated. But, when i saw my older brother recommend me to read this novel, I tried to read. Yup, The Kite Runner could be the great novel I have ever read. It made me cry and made me realize that there are so many people who have to lost their "happy" life, when they have to feel the war, loneliness, and fear.

It is written by Khaled Hosseini and he also comes from Afganistan, the plot of this novel. This novel told about the kid's life in Afganistan where they were so happy at first, but it was suddenly change when the Russian invasion came. Amir, as the main character, had to leave his country with his father to US. He had to leave his brother, that he just knew it when he was adult. 
Then, Amir had a good life in US, he found his girl and get married. His life changed again when he knew that his uncle called him for the first time after the have been separated. His uncle asked Amir to go to Pakistan because there was a secret that must be told. Then, AMir went to Pakistan and met his uncle,,then everything has been told by his uncle. He realized that Hassan was his "real" brother; when he was kid, Hasan was the best servant in his home, he also was the best friend of Amir, they spent time together all day long and Amir loved him as a brother.
Amir and Hassan 
The sad part of this novel came when Amir knew that Hassan has died, he was killed by Taliban because he didn't want to leave his old home in Afganistan T_________T , but Hassan's child was alive! That's why Amir had to find his niece. The conflict was so horrible when AMir had to fight with Taliban and he knew that his niece had to be Taliban servant.
I just can't tell you detail of this novel. but I know that the story looks so real T____T ,, i can't stop crying. I just can't imagine how that kids have to feel those bad things, they become slave, they are tortured!! 
Hosseini wrote it with the good language, he gave the real situation of the place from the politic, geographic, social and cultural system in Afghanistan. 
It's the nice novel,,,read it now!

Some nice quotes i got from this novel;
“For you, a thousand times over” 
“There is only one sin. and that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someones right to the truth.” 
“Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors.” 
“There is a way to be good again...” 
Amir and his nephew
Khalled Hosseini , Kite Runner

Selasa, 17 April 2012

No comment -____-

Today was so inspiring,,LOL,, I don't know why! I just got the inspirations to write about the "woman" when they are not girl anymore,,hehe,,just like the Britney's song " I am not a girl,,,not yet a woman" . Yup,, my conversation with my old friend who has been 20's must be so interesting. Yup,,you know that in this age, a woman must need a "new life", especially if they have got anything,, they have graduated from their school, they have good job, nice salary and they comfort with their life! I just realized that we, as women, need the other "life",,hmm,, I know you can guess it!
Get married? That's a normal dream,,and I am pretty sure that every woman wants to get married,,find their lovely prince and have a happy family! but,, i just realized that I also have to have that "life" ,,,WOW!! She said,,what will I do next? I have everything I want,,I am too bored to do this daily activities all day long,, I need something new,, I need something special,, I will not spend my time Alone!
We also visit our friend who has been just gave birth a baby,,,and I also just realize that I love baby!! That's normal, right???
Yup,,, and again,,I just realize that condition!!!

Senin, 16 April 2012

They're Super Duper Cuteeeee ^________^

I miss....

When your prayer has not been granted by God
I know that you will get the better
Yeah,,if sometimes I feel so hurt because of my weakness, I just can surrender..
Let me enjoy my crying,, my loneliness and my intimate with God instead of blame of everything!
God probably wants to see me to complain to Him,,maybe I was too far from Him

I have to be positive, That's the most important thing!
That's my big weakness,,I always stuck with the bad feeling,, pessimists, fear, and nervous!
i don't why i really love to keep all of bad things,,,,is that ironic?

Jumat, 13 April 2012

What happened to north Korea?

We will never know what happened to north korea because I think, this country is a mystery. We even don't understand what the people want and you never know the real activities of the people there. North Korea is only one country who still hold the communist principal. Yup, do you want to know what happened in  North Korea? 
This country is clean enough, we can see it in the Pyongyang, the capital city. There is no air pollution or even rec lame board which are put a long the street. 

The city is like a ghost town during the weekThere are only a little bar inPyongyangbut has been closed since 22.00. There was no crowd in the city. It'sa strange fact because the city is inhabited by about 3 million people"saidCockerell on the CNN website.

He has visited North Korea more than 100 times"There is no hustle and bustle.Everything was happening so short, about five minutesUsuallythe first day youwill say to yourself'Bloody hell, I am currently located in the Northwherecitizens'?"

North Korea is a society of workersHere, the last working day for six daysand the kids are in school more often"On weekends you may be able to see peopleplaying or are in the park," said Cockerell.

"It's a very poor countryPeople are not spending money because they do nothave itand not many people can afford."

Cockerell worked in a tourism companyKoryo Group, based in the Koryo.

Nicholas Bonnerwho also lives in Beijingestablished companies that offer toursranging from two-day visit to Pyongyang to 16 night trips around the country.

The typical customer is adventurous and travelers Koryo fineMany travelers enjoytheir tripSometimes you may see a strange man looked across the street, youmight suspectIt could be they were spies.

Rabu, 11 April 2012

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA ( Mengungkapkan Pendapat)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : 2/1
Alokasi Waktu            : 2x45 menit
Pertemuan/Unit           :1/1

A.    Standar Kompetensi
·         Memahami  makna  dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut ( sustained ) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

B.     Kompetensi Dasar
·         Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut  yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat dan meminta pendapat.

C.    Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
·         Memahami tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
·         Memahami tindak tutur meminta pendapat
·         Menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
·         Menggunakan tindak tutur meminta pendapat

D.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
·         Siswa dapat memahami tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
·         Siswa dapat memahami tindak tutur meminta pendapat
·         Siswa dapat menyebutkan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
·         Siswa dapat menyebutkan tindak tutur meminta pendapat

E.     Materi Ajar
·         Menyampaikan pendapat
Mis. I think (that) ...
·         Meminta pendapat
Mis. What do you think of ... ?
      Do you think ....?

F.      Metode Pembelajaran: Pemodelan

G.    Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Persiapan Sebelum Pembelajaran, guru menyiapkan; buku teks English Zone 2

·         Pendahuluan (15’)
Apersepsi :
Menanyakan kepada siswa tindak tutur yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan dan meminta pendapat dalam percakapan sehari-hari maupun dalam suatu kegiatan formal secara acak
Meminta siswa menyebutkan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat berdasarkan  gambar yang diperlihatkan guru

·         Inti (60’)
Membaca beragam contoh tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
Membimbing siswa memahami perbedaan fungsi masing-masing contoh tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
Membimbing siswa memahami contoh situasi dimana tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat digunakan
Membaca contoh-contoh tindak tutur meminta pendapat
Membimbing siswa memahami fungsi masing-masing tindak tutur meminta pendapat
Membimbing siswa memahami contoh konteks dimana tindak tutur meminta pendapat digunakan

Menperdengarkan percakapan dan mambaca teks yang menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat
Meminta siswa menggarisbawahi kalimat menyampaikan pendapat dalam teks
Murid (berpasangan) mendiskusikan konteks percakapan dimana tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat digunakan
Menperdengarkan dan membaca teks percakapan menggunakan tindak tutur meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat
Meminta siswa mengurutkan kalimat dalamsesuai percakapan yang didengar
Meminta siswa menyebutkan tindak tutur meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat yang digunakan dalam percakapan
Meminta siswa membaca cultural note tentang etika berbahasa dalam berbagai  situasi

Memberi penegasan penggunaan tindak tutur menyampaikan dan meminta pendapat yang beragam sesuai situasi

·         Penutup (15’)
Meminta siswa menyebutkan kembali tindak tutur yang digunakan untuk meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat dalam berbagai situasi

Lahat,   July 2011           .

Principal of SMAN 4 Lahat                                                                            Guru,

Drs.Syahfiral Syamsuar                                                                    Nilawati, S Pd
NIP.196708211992031004                                                              NIP.196306121987032009

The easy ways to teach Past Tense ( Cara Mudah mengajar Past Tense)

Past tense is the most important tense that must be learned by every body who want to be able to master in English, whether it is for listening, reading, writing and speaking. Me, as Indonesian teacher who teach English feel that it is not easy, especially when i want to ask my students to speak. At first, they can easily speak in past tense, but for the next sentences, blank.....

That's why, the method to teaching past tense will determine whether you success or not, here are some tips
1. Start with explaining the time. It is important to ask your students about their daily activities. Yup, if they have learnt about present tense, they can easily answer it. then, you can ask them about their activities yesterday,,,aha,,,it's time for you to explain!
2. Give pictures. You can give the picture of the time where someone did something at the same time yesterday. It will help your students to understand.
3. Give Video. Learning by watching will be great! You can easily find on Youtube, yup,,you can watch this video, for example

I am pretty sure your teaching and learning time will be fun!!

Enjoy it!

Song for EYL students "Do you Like?"

Teaching by song is so effective for EYL students and i really love to teach my students using song and dance. That's why i always search the great song from you tube and the other web. Here, i show you a song that can be so perfect to teach about "Like" , Yup, this is the song from Matt who creates the great song on how to say " Do you like...?" " I Like ...."


Lesson Plan For SMA ( Expressing Opinion)

Name of School                 :                         
Subject                                :  English
Class / Semester              : XI / 1
Time Allocation                :  4 X 45 minutes (2 x Meeting)

Character Value
Religious        Independent        desire                                            honest        democratic     
hard work      creative                appreciate performance   tolerant     communicatative

Competency Standards: Listening.
 Understand the meaning in the transactional and interpersonal conversation continues in the context of official and everyday life.

Basic Competencies:

Responding to the meaning contained in the conversation transactional (to get Things done) and interpersonal (social), official and unofficial uses of spoken language diversity in the context of daily life and involve speech acts express opinions, ask for opinions, said they were satisfied and no satisfied.

I. Indicator:
                          - Identify the word that was heard
                          • Identify the meaning of words
                          • Identify the relationship between the speaker
                          • Identify the meaning of speech acts express an opinion
                          • Responding to convey the opinion of speech acts
                          • Identify the meaning of speech acts expressed satisfaction
                          • Responding to speech acts expressed satisfaction
                          • Identify the meaning of speech acts express dissatisfaction
                          • Responding to speech acts express dissatisfaction
                          • Identify the context of the situation

I. Learning Objectives:
                       - Students can identify the meaning of the word.
                       - Students can find the principal's mind.
                       - Students can find detailed information and the implicit and explicit
                       - Students can identify and respond to the meaning of speech acts express  
                         an opinion
                       - Students can use speech acts express an opinion
                       - Students can identify and respond to the meaning of speech acts said they  
                         were satisfied and dissatisfied.
                       - Students can identify the context of the situation.

II. Subject            :     The expressions of :
    -     Asking for and giving opinion
- What do you think about …?
                        - What do you think of …?
                        - What is your  opinion about…?
                        - I think that ..?
                        - I feel that …?
                  - In my opinion …?
                  - etc

-          Stating satisfaction and dissatisfaction
- I  am really satisfied with …?
                  - I am very pleased with ..?
                  - It’s very satisfying …?
                  - I am disappointed with …?
                  - It’s very disappointing
                  - What an awful…?
                  - It is terrible!
                  - etc

III. Learning Method:
                           - Assignment
                           - Discussion

IV. Learning steps

Meeting I (2 X 45 minutes)
A. Initial activities: (10 minutes)
               - Greeting and student absenteeism
               - Students answer questions about themes that will be discussed.
B. Core Activities: (70 minutes)
               -Asking the students how to give opinion and feel satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
              - Students observe the expressions associated with the expression of an  
                 opinion and satisfaction nd dissatisfaction.
             -Explain the students by giving example of expression opinion and satisfaction.
            -Ask the students to identify the expression of opinion and satisfaction and   
            -Ask some the students to practice those expressions in front of the class and the    
             Other students listen to them.
       Closing activities
C. Closing activities.: (10 minutes)
             - Students summarize the material that has been taught, guided by teachers
            - Provide structured task
            - Teachers provide independent task

Meeting II (2 X 45 minutes)

A.Opening 10 minutes

B.Core activities 70 minutes
·         Review the expressions which have been studied before
·         Main Activities: Ask the students to do role play (60 minutes)
·         Give comment to their role play performance.

Learning Resources    :
        - Informational Home for grade XI, Widya Utama
        - Books for intensive learning Bahasa grade XI, Gravindo
- Progress, Ganeca
        - LKS Access, Sanskrit Core Media
        a.       Technique                     :    Test and Non-test
           b.       form                                 :    Practice and Observation
           c.        Instrument   :               -   Ask the students to practice dialogues contain
                                                    expressions which have been studied in front of class.
Rpp 1





Score Criteria
Diligent                       Honest                                    Active
A.Very diligent                        A.Very honest              A.very Active
B.Diligent                    B.honest                      B.Active
C.Enough diligent        C.enough honest         C.enough active
D.less diligent             D.les honest                D.less active

Assessment Instruments

              Listen to the recording and complete the conversation below!
Tommy            : Hi, guys. Have you got the1  …… Of our last examination?
Kent                 : Yes, We have. I’m very 2….…with the result because I 3……the test and   
                        got a good score. How about you?
Tommy            : Great, My score is also good. I am so happy about that because this is the
                         4….…. I ever have this semester.
Kent                 : But   5…. Gerry, why do you look so 6………?
Gerry               : My score is not 7 ….as yours. In fact, I 8 …..… the test.
Tommy            : Are you serious?
Gerry               : Yes, I am. I made many 9……. On the exam. I am really disappointed.
                          I 10 ………..Study harder. Actually. I could have better score.
Kent                 : Don’t 11……..… to yourself, Gerry.
Tommy            : He is right, Gerry. I am so sorry for your failure 12..….., there is still a 
                          chance to fix your problem. And we would love to assist you anytime
                          you need.
Gerry               : Thank you guys. That’s very kind of you.

Technical Assessment:     oral
-  Forms of assessment :      writing test

Aswer key
1. news                                      6.sad                                      11.blame
2. satisfy                                    7.great                                  12.but
3. pass                                                   8.fail
4. the first chance                     9.mistakes
5. how about you                     10.dissatisfy
6. sad                                      
Criteria: for every number 8 if full correct.enough correct 4
Total score :100