seperti biasa,, sibuk ngajar dan nulis artikel,,it's enough for me NOw yah!! Alhamdulillah,,,ketika orang2 masih sibuk nyari kerja setelah tamat kuliah,,Allah kasih aku kesempatan untuk langsung kerja dan dapet penghasilan yg lagi2 Alhamdulillah lebih dari cukup buat aku sekarang!! ALHAMDULILLAH ^_^
Tak ada kata lain yg pantes dilakukan kecuali bersyukur dan bersyukur,,,,
Yup, now i am really interested with EYL,,hmm,,,i wanna make something new in teaching EYL. Actually, i don't really love teaching kids guy,,,it's more complicated than teaching teenager or adult! I can't imagine that i have to prepare so many songs and games for them, yup not as simple as i learned when i was a student in UNSRI. The fact is so difficult! I have to prepare what is the best method for the EYL,,sometimes the theories in books not really suitable with the kid's personalities, especially for Indonesian kids! They have different cultures, basic skills, and different environment so those must be very important for kids in learning english, right?
So what is the best method?? i am still learning,, still practicing..haha but i am ready to sing and dance with them in the whole meeting!!
bulet banget nih muka |
mau upload foto2 siswa dulu ah,,,,dikit yah