Sabtu, 05 November 2011

My EYL Experience dan cerita si HANIF ....:)

Lagi pengen banget bagi2 ilmu nih yah....setahun kemarin sempet ngajar anak2 SD yg SUbhanallah,,,COOL!! hihi cool keringetnya,,,cool jahilnya,,cool kelakuannya!! hmm,,,tapi yg paling berkesan buat aku selama ngajar di SD 1 Palembang cuma satu yaitu : HANIF. Ah,,,,anak sholeh yg satu ini bikin aku "klepek-klepek",,eitss,,,,jangan salah sangka dulu,,nih anak ajaib,,,anak idaman seluruh Ibu di dunia deh,,,termasuk saya ( walau belum ibu-ibu) hehe,,,udah cakep,,pinter,,baik,,sopan,,rajin sholat,,Lembut hatinyaa...aaaa,,perfect deh ya,bersih ,,rapi,,,keren,,,klimis!! GREAT!!
sampe2 kita sempet2in sholat bareng si hanif,,anak kelas 4 SD udah pinter ngajakin sholat temen2nya,,,,terus ngebujuk temenya buat ngelepas burung yg di beli,,ngasih oleh2 sama gurunya!! what else?? itu cuma 2 kali pertemuan lho,,apalagi kalo stiap hari ngajar si hanif!! mau tiap haripun,,saya sanggup deh!!!
dia rela minta ijin waktu cuma buat sholat ashar....terlambat masuk pun dia rela!! dia lebih rela sholat di masjid dari pada di mushola sekolah karena sholat berjamaah pahalanya lebih gede'?? APA>?? apa coba yg gak buat saya terpesona :D
Berharaaaaaaaap banget,,ntar kalo punya anak,,bisa kayak si Hanif!! aduuh,,,,bahagianya jadi Ibu yah,,,AAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINN YA ALLAH

disana ada si hanif,,tp gak keliatan yah??? hehe
Tapi sayang seribu sayang,,,,,,,gak ada fotonya si HANIF :(( kemaren malu mau foto bareng,,hwahahaha  #NYESEL 


1.1   Background
Language is one of the most important things in human life. Language is used as a means of communication. Every person uses language in order to communicate with others.
Kadarisman (2009), states
Language is a system of arbitrary symbols used by people in a given culture to carry on their daily affairs, it covers three important elements, such as structure, speech community in a given culture, and communicative function of language.
It clearly stated that, language plays vital role in daily life interaction together with its important components. Beside that, it also important to learn foreign language that helps us communicates with international atmosphere. One of the most important international languages that is needed to be learned is English, so the foreign language that students learn here is English.                                                 
English is an international language and it used by millions people all over the world.  It is a global language means of communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement towards and international standard for the language. English is used in most of the countries as a means of global communication whether in politics, economy, science, technology, culture, and education. Besides, English also the future language that is as connector between people through globalization. It spoken as a native language by around 377 million and as a second language by around 375 million speakers in the world, also around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language. English has an official or a special status in 75 counties with a total population of over 2 billion. In Indonesia, English has been introduced as a compulsory subject starting from junior high school up to university level. It has also been introduced to the pupils of elementary school in recent years as an optional local content.
For elementary school, English is taught as a local content. Based on the Decision of Head Office in Education and Culture Department of South Sumatra no.045 B/I II.06/kp/1996, cited in Asnimar (2002:126) :

The teaching of English as a local content in South Sumatra is started from the fourth grade up to the six grade of elementary level. English is a chosen subject among the other subjects.

  The teaching of English to young learners were important in recent years (Grant, cited in Scott, 1993:VII). Children have an amazing ability to observe language through play and other activities which they find enjoyable. Scot and Ytreberg (1993:3-4) mention that children of eight to ten years old are relatively mature children an adult side. It means that the students have the sense of independence. Children are enthusiastic and interested in learning especially which something is new for them, such as English.
In learning English, there are four skills that should be mastered. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learning words is concerned with the integrated skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill). Learning words deals with the development of vocabulary as a language resource.
According to Cameron (2001), vocabulary has been seen as a major resource for language use. Early foreign language learning offer the chance for learners to build up the solid core of words useful for further learning, together with words that are learnt because they interest or excite young learners at that age. However, early vocabulary learning may be ineffective if words are not consolidated and used regularly. Children entering secondary education will have varying amounts of words, some they have mastered really well, some only partially learnt and some that they have met once or twice but not remembered.
EYL Practice is the training of prospective teachers to prepare students for mastering the ability of an integrated whole. Ability to carry out their duties later as a teacher, for example teaching, classroom management, making the program, learning implementation plan, etc.. Therefore, EYL students intensively and systematically guided by teachers and lecturers officials are eligible to train the students.
After carrying out the EYL Practice is expected to prospective educators in this case students, already has a provision to be ready to plunge into the world of work education as professional educators. Prospective teachers can adapt quickly and socializing well at school because it has been equipped with science and has had experience in education. So the EYL Program is very necessary to remember the benefits to the prospective student educators.

1.2           Goal

In general, the English for Young Learners (EYL) Practice aims to train students for prospective educators have the ability to apply good performance in real situations, both in teaching and in performing other tasks teacher training.
Specifically, EYL Practice aims for students as prospective teachers are able to:
1. Thoroughly familiar with the physical environment, administrative, academic, and social psychology school where the training.
2. Mastering the basic skills of teaching English for Young Learners.
3. Applying a variety of teacher professional ability as a whole and integrated in real situations at school.
4. Develop personal and social aspects in the school environment.
5. Draw conclusions educative value appreciation and experiences during training through reflection and poured it in the form of reports.


In this Teaching Practice, we taught students in SD 1 Palembang. Our group has 5 members, they are
  1. Nur Annisa Mei Rizki
  2. Mona Saputri
  3. Yena Sutina
  4. Selvi Sriayu Wulandari
  5. Selvia
  6. Puspa Nupitasari
We started our teaching at 22 November 2010 and end at 10 December 2010. We got so many experiences in this Teaching Practice. Actually, before we taught in SD Negeri 1 Palembang, we learn the theory about EYL first in 8 times. Actually, teaching EYL is the first time for us, for the first time, we got difficulties in Teaching EYL because we didn’t know how to control the students and we couldn’t manage the class well. But, after a period of time, we could control them and we knew how to manage the class.
Teaching EYL is not as easy as we think. We have to have more patients, more practice and be more sensitive because children are unique.  In this Teaching practice, we have to teach 2nd grade, 3th grade and 5th grade. We taught them based on the curricula and their textbook. We taught the about vocabulary and speaking.
Teaching EYL in SD Negeri 1 Palembang is the place for us to learn how to teach young learners about English, the strategy and the solution. EYL is very important for us as the preparation to teach English for young learners and It has be continued.
For the result, we can conclude that EYL can give us the benefits as the English teacher. It will encourage teacher’s ability in teaching EYL.

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