Senin, 16 April 2012

I miss....

When your prayer has not been granted by God
I know that you will get the better
Yeah,,if sometimes I feel so hurt because of my weakness, I just can surrender..
Let me enjoy my crying,, my loneliness and my intimate with God instead of blame of everything!
God probably wants to see me to complain to Him,,maybe I was too far from Him

I have to be positive, That's the most important thing!
That's my big weakness,,I always stuck with the bad feeling,, pessimists, fear, and nervous!
i don't why i really love to keep all of bad things,,,,is that ironic?

3 komentar:

  1. Dide ngerti aku. :s
    Ini bahase ape,ye? :o
    Cube terjemahke ke bahase Lahat,Bu Guru. :D

  2. pake google translate be yoh,,haha :p

  3. Kele nunggu Google Translate ade bahase Lahat. :p

    Btw,bnyk iklan aneh. Kau dewek pasangnyo,yo Nur? Ai lah pacak pasang2 iklan pecaknyo. Hahaha... :D
    Ngapo dak sekalian pasang dr AdSense Google jugo ( )? Apolagi blog ini bnyk bahaso Inggris-nyo (wlwpun skrng sdh support Indonesia ). :)
