Rabu, 11 April 2012

Lesson Plan SMA (RPP SMA) Expression of Introducing and Leaving

Lesson Plan
Subject                                   : English
Grade//Semester          : 1/1
Time Allocation          : 2x45 minutes
Meeting/Unit              :2/1

A.    Standard Competence
·         Expressing the meaning of transact ional and  interpersonal  dialogue in daily life context.

  1. Basic Competence
·         Expressing the meaning of formal and informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socialize) conversation accurately and fluently using speech variation i.e.expressing  introduction, meeting,  leaving accepting invitation ,appointment and cancelling appointment.

  1. Indicators
·         Using the expression of introduction.
·         Using the expression of  leaving

  1. Learning Objectives
·         Students can  identify the grammar structure of  introduction., meeting/ leaving using  possessive form  and WH-questions

  1. Learning Material
·         Introduction
Mis. I’m Cantika, by the way.
·         Meeting/leave taking
Mis. A: Pleased to meet you
B : Pleased to meet you, too.

  1. Learning Method : Modelling

  1. Teaching Procedures

Preparation before learning , prepare English Zone book 1

·         Pre-Activities   (15’)
 Asking students to introduce themselves and their friends
Explain the purpose of the meeting to use possessive form and WH-questions

·         Whilst Activities  (60’)

Writing students answer when they introduce themselves  and their friends
Underlining  the sentences using possessive formi
Explaining the usage of  possessive form  and WH-questions
Giving exercise about the usage of possessive form and WH-questions
-          Underlining the sentence usingMenggarisbawahi kalimat yang menggunakan possessive form yang tepat
-          Memasangkan pertanyaan dengan response yang tepat
-          Membuat pertanyaan berdasarkan jawaban yang tersedia

Meminta siswa membuat kalimat menggunakan possessive form dan WH-questions

·         Post Activities (15’)
Menyimpulkan penggunaan possessive form dan WH-questions

H.    Assessment

 I. Underline the correct verb
1)      What’s your brother’s /brother name?
2)      His/he name is Toni

II. Write the questions
3)      Q:______________
A: She lives in Malang, Central Java
4)      Q:
A: Lina is my sister
5)      Q:
A: I want to be a pilot

Answer Keys
1)      Brother’s
2)      His
3)      Where does she live?
4)      Who is Lina?
5)      What do you want to be?

I.       Learning Resource
 English Zone 1

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